Pet Memorial by

In Memoriam


Parsons Jack Russel

2005 - 2022

About Finnegan

Dog Breed: Parsons Jack Russel
Age: 17
Birthday: Aug 5, 2005
Birthplace: Dorset United Kingdom
Date of Passing:   Oct 3, 2022
Place of Passing: Dursley, Gloucestershire, U.K.

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Remembering Finnegan

This memorial was created for Finnegan. He was a good and loyal friend and gave unconditional love. He is much loved and dearly missed. He was found under a travelling gypsy caravan with four more new pups. Taken to an animal shelter where we acquired him at eight weeks old. He has been with us ever since and became, as a valued pet should, a main part of our family. So now he as gone it is like loosing a family member. Rest in peace old boy and hope to join you to be together again soon. From your loving Mother and Father.


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