Pet Memorial by

In Memoriam

Angelina Jolie

Bichon Friese

2002 - 2022

About Angelina Jolie

Dog Breed: Bichon Friese
Age: 19.5
Birthday: Oct 4, 2002
Birthplace: Mexico, Missouri
Date of Passing:   Apr 4, 2022
Place of Passing: Skokie, Illinois

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Remembering Angelina Jolie

This memorial was created for Angelina Jolie. She was a good friend and gave unconditional love. She is much loved and dearly missed. When we got Angelina Jolie, we knew she was special. She was always so loving and giving, never asking for anything in return. She was truly an angel.

Sadly, Angelina passed away last year. We miss her so much, but we know she is in a better place now. We created this memorial to honor her memory and to keep her close to our hearts. But even in death, Jolie was still giving us her unconditional love. Her memorial was created to remind us of all the happy times we shared with her.

Even though she is gone, Jolie will always be in our hearts. We love you and miss you, Jolie.


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